Covid-19 and the Loss of Smell

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

There is not much evidence that covid-19 is a new disease. After all, covid symptoms are nearly identical to the symptoms of the common cold or seasonal flu.

However, many people are convinced that covid-19 is a new disease because some of those who test positive also lose their sense of smell and sometimes taste. This, they say, is what distinguishes covid-19 from the common cold.

But is the loss of smell really a unique phenomenon? Loss of smell has long been associated with the common cold and the flu. Most of us hardly notice that our smell is affected when we are sick. But now that loss of smell has been widely publicized as the defining feature of covid-19, we are more apt to give it significance when it does occur. In the past, you were just “sick.” Now, we are more likely to proclaim, “I can’t smell!”

If we were to scrutinize the common cold or flu to the same extent that we scrutinize covid-19, I think we would find that loss of smell is just as common in those with a cold or flu. For this reason and others, I question whether there is a new disease going around, or if it is just a relabeling of common illnesses with the addition of a phony test.

But let’s say there is a new disease. The fact that many people have gotten “sicker than usual” and that many have lost their sense of smell for long periods suggests that there may be a new threat in the environment. In this case, what might cause a temporary loss of smell? Here’s my take:

Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, and The Loss of Smell

As someone who researches minerals, I know that anything that causes a zinc deficiency can cause the loss of taste and smell. This is because one of the enzymes needed to maintain taste and smell is a zinc dependent enzyme called carbonic anhydrase.

Many people are borderline zinc deficient. Exposure to a wide-range of environmental can further lower zinc levels and create a temporary zinc deficiency, leading to the loss of smell and other symptoms. This is because zinc is used up in the body to detoxify environmental pollutants.

Isn’t it interesting then, that many doctors claim that zinc and hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for covid-19? I think zinc is the main healer in the equation, and doubt that hydroxychloroquine is even needed or helpful.

One particular poison that can cause a zinc deficiency is cadmium. Cadmium is a toxic metal that strongly blocks the utilization of zinc in several enzymes throughout the body. Acute cadmium poisoning can cause many of the symptoms associated with covid-19, including flu-like symptoms and kidney failure.

Olfactory Nerve Damage

In addition, anything that damages the olfactory nerve can cause a loss of taste and smell. This, too, can be caused by a wide-range of air pollutants due to the olfactory receptor neurons’ unprotected position in the nasal cavity.

If there is a new illness called covid-19, perhaps it is due to the introduction of a new chemical, or the increased use of an existing chemical. Maybe Amazon started using a new pesticide in their warehouses, and their packages contain residues. Maybe certain masks contain a chemical that lowers zinc or damages the olfactory nerve.

Considering that covid-19 appears to have been a planned event (e.g. Event 201, Fauci prophesying a “pandemic” during the end of the Trump presidency), intentional poisoning of the supply chain with toxic chemicals or metals is not implausible, either. This possibility was discussed in the documentaries Watch the Water and Antidote.

There are thousands of possibilities for the collective symptoms known as covid-19. The least likely, in my view, is a new virus that “jumped” from a bat to humans.

Hair analysis is one of the best tests to assess levels of zinc and other vital minerals. It can also reveal toxic metals (such as cadmium) and others that interfere with various bodily functions, and much more. To order a hair analysis today, click here.

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Brian Brezinski is a nutrition consultant, health researcher, and advocate for medical freedom. He has a private nutrition practice that helps people resolve chronic fatigue, low energy, and other common health problems. Call Brian for a free introductory consultation today: 703 485 8245

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